Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Believing without belonging

Is this still believing?? I strongly doubt this... This is a report from BBC.

"People are used to instant gratification, they are used to having what they want, when they want and without putting in too much effort. Some view religion in the same way."

Having a connection with Christianity is not a problem for most people, it's when something is asked of them that they start to struggle, she says.

Some sort of "vague Christianity" acts as a way for people to keep their options open, they don't have to think too hard about life and aren't pushed outside their comfort zone, says philosopher Dr Julian Baggini.

"It's easier than going in the other two directions. If you take religion fully on board you have to believe some strange things. Discarding it totally means you have to really think through the consequences, that death really is the end and many people find that worrying."

But it is possible to do away with the middleman, not attend church and still be a Christian, he says.

"Often the key messages in religion are social, like loving your neighbour. You don't have to go to church to be nice to people and help them."

And it goes on with a church like this... (would you consider "going" to such a church?)

St Pixels is an internet church, which offers prayers, daily Bible readings and a chat room to its online congregation. The fact its on the net does not make it any less valid than attending a church made of bricks and mortar, says Simon Jenkins, its co-founder.

"St Pixels may fall outside of what is traditional but we still consider it a genuine church. It is a real parish of real people who don't stop being members when they log off. It is not a second-class experience, just a different one. The site appeals to a whole spectrum of people, ultimately we are hoping to encourage faith."

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