Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What's so Amazing about Evangelicals?

If you are following this blog, you probably know I'm reading Philip Yancey's "What's so Amazing about Grace?". I was deeply touched by the chapter "Grace-Healed Eyes".

He talked about his friend Mel White (a teacher at Fuller Seminary until he came out of the closet) who is now a homosexual Christian. And how the church failed to show them love and grace. Yancey went to a gay parade with White. And he saw some Christians shouting "AIDS, AIDS it's coming your way" and the homosexual Christians responded by singing "Jesus loves us this we know, for the Bible tells us so"...

I don't know anyone who's homosexual at all. Or maybe they just don't tell me.

I don't think homosexuality is right. (Better say this first before you stop reading while being disgusted by what I'm saying.) I don't think homosexuality is any more sinful than other sins.

What's so amazing about Evangelicals? They never even realise what their problem is (I'm an evangelical too in case you think I'm dangerous/weird), not just with homosexuals, with Catholics, other religions as well, Jesus frequently befriended sinners. (I'm not saying Catholics are sinners.) What's so wrong about this??

I don't know why people can be so biased that they don't even realise this... I was browsing on the web and found this... I don't think there's anything wrong in what Yancey said... obviously someone did...

PHILIP YANCEY SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL CHRISTIANS. Friday Church News Notes, July 16, 2004 (David W. Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, fbns@wayoflife.org, http://www.wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - Philip Yancey, a popular Christian writer and speaker, has an unscriptural view of homosexuality and a dangerously perverted view of biblical grace. In an interview with lesbian Candace Chellew-Hodge, Yancey spoke of his continued close friendship with homosexual Mel White and said that love compels him to “show love and grace” (“Amazed by Grace: An Interview with author Philip Yancey,” http://www.whosoever.org/v8i6/yancey.shtml). What Yancey fails to say is that love for sinners requires exposing their sin and the true grace of God results in a changed life (Mat. 3:7-8; Acts 26:20; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Eph. 2:8-10; 5:11; Titus 2:11-15; 1 John 5:3). Yancey goes on to say: “As I’ve attended gay and lesbian churches, I’m also saddened that the evangelical church by and large finds no place for homosexuals. I’ve met wonderful, committed Christians who attend MCC [Metropolitan Community] churches, and I wish that the larger church had the benefit of their faith.” When asked what he would say to homosexuals who “have been harmed by the church’s attitude toward them,” Yancey is a dangerous teacher, and it is very sad, but also very telling, that his books are so popular.

This is just so sad...

I still remembered that I attended a course at CGST on Romans last year. Dr. Wong introduced to us how homosexuals interpreted the scripture on homosexuality differently. He said we need to understand them more and it doesn't mean that he agrees with them.

If only more people in the church act like this...


Anonymous said...

Many people who claimed to be or are labelled homosexual are not genuine homosexual, they just pursuit the pleasure of flesh. For sharing, please see:

aMy said...

I'm not arguing whether they are homosexual or not, just that we do not show our Christian love towards them, all they see in us is judgment, judgment AND judgment.

aMy said...

and I can't read anything on the link... just a blank page?

aMy said...

I just watched the controversial episode of HK Connection about homosexuality on the RTHK website, I found it to be very one sided, but the sad thing about it, one of the gay people interviewed has a Christian brother. And he described how his brother read selected Bible passage (on the sinfulness of homosexuality) in front of him and told every guy calling him he's not at home. Can they ever feel love from Christians at all??

Anonymous said...

I don't think homosexuality is any more sinful than other sins.

So true!!

Why some sinners are welcome to the placee of God to learn about the gospel but some other sinners should give up their sins before they walk into the church?

Unknown said...

Homosexuality is the topic of discussion in my last youth fellowship (for those aged below 18). We watched the controversial episode of HK connection together. During discussion with the teens, you will be surprised to know there are even homosexuals in co-ed schools now (for my generation, there is none in my school). yes, that's our stand as made clear to the teens too. We should not be biased and diciriminate them but we will never agree with their behaviour as it is sinful. agree with you, Jesus love sinners, no matter what kind of sins they have committed.

aMy said...

Bao, tho you're slightly younger than me, I presume you think we're in the same generation...

my school got quite a LOT of lesbians... tho I was from a girls' school, while you studied in a co-ed school...


the fact is we often presume certain sins are more serious than others, we can scold our parents and still attend church, we can get to church late, we can hate other ppl, but homosexuality is much more serious, our sins are just so minor... sigh...