Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Environmental protection

I think we Christians have a responsibility for environmental protection, it's the world created by God. However, I don't see many of us being concerned about environmental issues.

Last week, Ms S could not stand the state of our fellowship cupboard anymore, so she decided to tidy it up. Lots of paper had to be thrown away. I was thinking if our church office got some sort of recycling box. (My office and my home do.) There is none!

And when I told some other people that our church should start to recycle stuff, one said it'd be a problem to get people to come and collect it...


Old people are searching for paper every day even in rubbish bins! If you tell them you can come here and get paper for free, they'll come and get it. Then I had this idea, maybe when they come and get the recycled stuff, we can tell them about Jesus. I wonder if this is possible. This way we can help poor people and tell them about the Gospel...


Anonymous said...


aMy said...

with so much going on, don't know if the deacons still got time to do these sort of stuff...

anyway, I just thought about all those poor old people who search for stuff that can be sold for money in rubbish bins every day, and we throwing away all the stuff... it's sad... even more so when you realised they've probably never got the chance to know Jesus.

aMy said...

I already told Mr G to tell his "affairs dept" about the suggestion... no idea if he'll actually remember tho...

most probably not... =P

HumanProject said...

Studies of "environmentally responsable behavior" suggest that certain Judeo-Christian beliefs provide low motivation to protect the environment. See:

Schultz, P. W., & Zelezny, L. C., & Dalrymple, N. (2000). A multi-national perspective on the
relationship between Judeo-Christian religious beliefs and attitudes of environmental
concern. Environment and Behavior, 32, 560-575.

aMy said...

Human project, really?

It's a pity I have left college years ago, I can no longer access these scholarly articles...