Monday, February 12, 2007

Snow story continues... and more...

What is the snow story all about?

After the Israelites defeated the Canaanites, they thought the Lord is a god of wars. And they started to worship gods like Baal (god of rain) for agricultural purposes.

We often do the same thing, we work hard, we got our promotion, it's OUR OWN WORK. And when we lost our job, we want to find a new one, that's God's work. We often compartmentalize our lives into areas where God is responsible and others where God is not.

For me, I think God can control every single part of my life, but He can choose to do so, or not. Like whether I should drink coke or water today, He probably won't do anything about this. And I often choose not to ask for stuff for myself. If I want it, but it's bad for me, no matter how hard I try, God still won't give it to me, if it's good for me, even if I don't ask, He'll give it to me. Most often, God knows what is best, but God occasionally do indulge us. haha!!

However, I do think I want to ignore God's commandments in certain aspects of my life, even offer excuses. I don't think my sins are any less than those of, say, homosexuals.

Humans often offer excuses for their sins (e.g. I'm born like that.), maybe that's why I don't think it's a good idea for us to kick homosexuals or divorcees out of churches, hey we're just the same, possibly even worse (with our own self-righteousness, just like the Pharisees...)

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