Thursday, October 19, 2006

The paradox of praying

Praying in Christianity is a lot different from that of other religion. For Chinese people (I'm a Chinese), most of them prayed to their idols in order to get the things they desired.

For Christians, we sometimes tell God what we want, but in the end praying is more about putting yourself in God's hands and submitting to God's will. This is what I have learnt through years of praying. This is exactly what I'm experiencing recently.

Again from Tom Wright' book, here's a little excerpt on praying and meditation. He's talking about 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5.

" Here again is the paradox of Christian living: because the Lord is faithful and will guard us, therefore we pray that he will do so. This always sounds illogical to those who aren't engaged in it. Those who are will know that prayer has a power and sense which operate below and above logic. Our praying hearts, minds and lives are put at the disposal of the living Lord, who remains sovereign, but who also longs for our collaboration in his work of strengthening the church and guarding it from the evil. ... Go on focusing heart and mind on Jesus himself, Paul says, and as you meditate on his patience, and his strength under suffering, something of that patience will be given to you."

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