Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Great Omission

A pastor mentioned this book in his church's website. Interesting title. If you're interested, you can read the article here, it's in Chinese though.

We, the "evangelicals", often place our emphasis on spreading the "Gospel". The most important thing in the world is to get someone to believe in Jesus. Then maybe getting that person to go to church, every week preferably (most of the time this is not possible). Then our job gets done.

Hey, a little reminder here, what's the Great Commission?? Matthew 28:19-20.

And what's the Great Omission then?? To teach people to observe all that Jesus taught us.

In order to obey Jesus' in His teachings, we need to pray, think, plan and act. All these through conscious acts. How often do we do this ourselves?? Not to mention teaching others to do this.

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