Sunday, April 29, 2007

Back from the last lecture

Just came back from the last lecture in BU.

I am feeling kinda emotional right now, still organising my thoughts on this.

I am just SO angry because of the sheer depth of Christianity is so often ignored by most of the Christians. When will this type of teachings of our Bible in depth be commonplace?

What can I do on this? When most Christians/pastors still think people need simple stuff? Gospel is so often rendered into a few "rules" or points. God loves you, you have sinned, you need to believe in God to get eternal life. (Not that it's not true, don't get me wrong, but this is NOT what all believing in Christ in about.) The result is Christianity is despised by some so-called "intellectuals" as simple and some Christians cannot find the solution to their problem in these simple rules and left. (I know there are still people who need simple rules, but many people whom I know are not like that.)

God, how can I help you on this? Or is this feeling from you? I am mad + upset right now. (For people who know, you'll know I've always felt this way, but the feeling is very intense right now.)


Anonymous said...

yes, many christians merely focus on rest and peace from God but omit the important parts of cross-bearing. Usually I will just do not care how other christians live their christian life. But recently I start to feel upset about this phenomenon. I can remembet the pastor of my church whom I respect most has once mentioned to me very few christians will actually learn to bear His cross and leave their comfort zone for the sake of His words and gospel. Last time I don't understand why she feels upset. But I can now. Sancification is what many christians have forgotten. I pray that I will not forget.

Anonymous said...

haha, I think we are talking about pretty different things. But I do feel upset recently about the phenomenon I mentioned.

aMy said...

Santification and cross-bearing is another important thing most Christians ignore as well.

I think it's also kinda related. haha!

I have some new insight on this tho, will write about it later today.

aMy said...

I think most Christians just stay in these comfort zones because when they convert, they were told "if you believe, you'll get saved and get peace."

That is why I try to suggest using cross bearing as the topic for the evangelical meeting, but got rejected. =P

Sometimes I wonder if they can be considered Christians (tho I dare not question this in church =P), coz we need to believe Jesus is our Lord, and when you believe Jesus is our Lord, then you will (at least try to) bear the cross every day in your life.

Anonymous said...

yes, I totally agree. I am getting upset when I see christians around refuse to (or at least try to) come out of their comfort zones. HIS grace and love definitely worth our effort right? God's love is unimaginable. How can love all of us who are sinful?

aMy said...

Haha, even tho I'm not sure everyone will eventually grow up, I think some of those who are chosen by God will be FORCED out of their comfort zone by various methods along their life.

Until they submit to God, they may not have 好日子過, hahaha!

Unknown said...

Haha, that's somehow one of my questions for God. Why can some stay in their comfort zone when some need to be forced out of the comfort zone?

aMy said...

haha! It's like asking why someone believes and someone doesn't.

Personally, I just consider myself "fortunate" instead of dwelling on the reasons why someone else never gets it. =P

This kind of question... I don't think we can ever get any "good" answers =P haha!

Unknown said...

I understand then. He has the authority. What we need to do is listen, submit to His will and life will be fruitful when it is lived according to His will.