Sunday, January 28, 2007

Which is better?

This morning I slept through half of the sermon... And then I have this thought on what God appreciates more? Me making the effort to go to the worship service after almost working through the whole night & day and sleeping through half of the sermon? (I tried to open my eyes to no avail.) OR me just going home after work?

Despite falling asleep, I did try to listen to the preacher... and here's a question for contemplation: "Do you only ask what God's will is in your own life OR do you ask how your life can be changed to fit God's plan?"


Anonymous said...

I think it's dynamic. From my experience, after knowing HIS plan in my life, somehow my life will always need to be changed to fit HIS plan. I believe life is a dynamic and moulding process through which I can learn more about HIM and understand more about HIS plan in my life. Then wait till the day I can meet HIM face to face. But then, before that, I should better work harder for HIM........

aMy said...

It's probably dynamic... I just can't help thinking what it would be like to look at our lives from heaven, how many times we have wreck the perfectly good plans of God with our ways... HAHA! and then God need to make alternative plans...

aMy said...

in case there's any confusion from my previous comment, I don't believe God has only ONE personal plan for us, it's possible for us to choose, but sometimes we just do things so badly, God has to do things another way...

Anonymous said...

God does not change like shifting shadow. He knows our future as He is outside the limitation of time and space, though He is both here and there. I believe God has only ONE plan for us. The Will of God has three levels: Prescribed Will, Permissive Will and Sovereign Will. No matter which way we choose under His Permissive Will, His Sovereign Will will never be affected and there is no need for Him to amend His plan to suit us. Even we are not walking in the Will of God, it is still part of God's original plan.

aMy said...

I don't intend to start a theological debate here.

I understand the concept of God's will and the various levels (tho the names I learnt are sovereign will, moral will and individual will.)

I believe His "individual will" can be changed. We can see so many examples even in the Bible.

Even theologians cannot make any sort of agreement among themselves on this controversial topic, you see different opinions even among evangelicals!

This is just my opinion and my experience in God.