Monday, September 10, 2007

Frequent Flier Points on your way to heaven??

ATM in the church lobby

"How would you feel if someone in your church was giving and giving on credit and you later find they have to declare bankruptcy," said one from Eric. "I guess it wouldn't matter because you're not your brother's keeper — huh?" To deal with that problem, many churches now accept only debit cards.

Is this the only problem that can occur?

I remember one of my Sunday school teachers who is opposed to this sort of electronic way of donation. His reason is that it is too easy. Donation should be something we are prepared for. Not, "Oh I forgot to bring the money, no problem coz I can use my credit card!"

I don't have a strong opinion on this, but is this really the way to go? Hmm...


The 3 Slims said...

First of all, thanks for posting my video of the amending SOP song.

If we really want to go IT on donations, why not everyone setup autopay from our banks to the church bank account. It will take exactly 10% from our paycheck and deposit it automatically!?!

The irony of giving is that it has to "hurt" a bit when you give to make what you give mean something. A billionaire giving millions means nothing to him because it is pocket change to him. The struggle of to give or not to give is essential to gauge the value of what we end up giving. Hmm, a bit off topic, but never mind. Keep up the nice blog!

Unknown said...

Hi Simon!! I am Bao... So funny to see you leave comments in Amy's blog (FYI, Amy was my colleague). I've found the song useful and hence sent to others =D

aMy said...

Welcome, Simon.

I guess it's the same as the widow and her coin, it's not the amount we give that matters. It's our love for God. He's afterall the God who loves our obedience & mercy more than sacrifice.

On a practical aspect, nowadays many Christian organisations do allow us to donate with our credit cards, I don't think it's a good idea tho because they have to pay handling fee to the bank.

aMy said...

btw, in Germany, 10% is deducted from every Christian's salary BEFORE being given to them.

The 3 Slims said...

Bao? You're the Bao from QBBC? ah, small world. :)

I lived in New Zealand for about 10 years. It is very nice over there, especially how they treat churches. (it is changing though) Our donations can be tax deducted, most banks probably waive all our fees (church's bank account of course), and we get grants and funds for church rebuilding etc. but still, people don't give enough. Myself included. :(