Sunday, September 16, 2007

Praying for the sick

Most of the time when you ask me if I have any prayer requests, I usually say no. I believe what God has planned is the best. Usually we don't know what is the best and end up praying for stuff we should not have asked for.

For me, it's ok. I believe God always gives me the best even without me asking though His definition of the best is usually different from us.

The problem for me usually occur when people ask me to pray for them/their family members/friends to get well. (For most other stuff I can usually manage to change how I actually pray for them. Read good examples here- Beyond "Prayer Requests.) For prayers for the sick, I can never seem to be able to think of a good way for praying for them without the possibility of running counter to God's wishes. How can one know God isn't doing some great things through the illness?? That's why I have always hesitated on how to pray for sick people. I asked God about this last week, how I should pray for these people.

Then I read this from the Devotional Classics... I love the last sentence in this prayer.

The Prayers of Soren Kierkegaard

prayer six:
The Sickness Unto Death

Father in Heaven! To You the congregation often makes its petition for all who are sick and sorrowful, and when someone among us lies ill, alas, of mortal sickness, the congregation sometimes desires a special petition; grant that we may each one of us become in good time aware what sickness it is which is the sickness unto death and aware that we are all of us suffering from this sickness.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who came to earth to heal them that suffer from this sickness, form which, alas, we all suffer, but from which You are able to heal only those who are conscious they are sick in this way; help us in this sickness to hold fast to You, to the end that we may be healed of it.

O God the Holy Spirit, who comes to help us in this sickness if we honestly desire to be healed; remain with us so that for no single instance we may to our own destruction shun the Physician, but may remain with Him - delivered from sickness. For to be with Him is to be delivered from our sickness, and when we are with Him we are saved from all sickness.


Unknown said...

I love that line too. Rememebered what my pastor said, "I am saved from the sickness because He is with me"

The 3 Slims said...

I am sort of like you, if you ask Bao, you will know that I have a very blessed life despite my sins. God gives me what He thinks is the best and I learn to see it from His eyes, therefore I am happy most of the time.

However I wouldn't go that far as to not have prayer items, nor worry about praying for the wrong thing. The bible teaches to pray:

1. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.(Philipians 4:6-7)

2. I forgot where this is, but it says to pray to God if God wills it, God willing. Let God be the one to decide whether He will fulfill what we ask.

3. God knows we don't pray right,therefore: In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26)

I agree we should not pray for selfish personal gains. Nor should we pray repetitively for vague things. (some people say pray for their spirituality - thats too vague) But I believe prayer is our right, even when we don't pray right. Well, I can go on and on, i better stop haha.

Regarding praying for illness, I agree in the sense that not all the time, God intends for the person to be healed. Sometimes it takes time, for the Glory of God. Sometimes, it is just time's up. Most of the time I just pray for their emotional, mental and spiritual health during the difficult time, and those of the loved ones. I also pray that we could understand God's purpose in allowing it to happen.

I am reminded of the 4 guys who brought their friend to see Jesus. They couldn't get in, so they lowered him from the roof. Jesus healed the friend because of the faith of the 4. We cannot bring our sick friends to God, but through prayer, we can. Despite the difficulties, even if at first God says NO, we have to persist and even demand healing. Maybe God is just testing our faith?

aMy said...

If I'm praying for myself, I won't be that worried.

I sometimes tell God I want that, but just for telling Him I want that, knowing that He may not grant me whatever I want.

However, for some really sick people who asked me to pray for them, really hoping to get well, it's a different story. (Esp. when I go to China for short mission trips and these old frail people asks me to pray for them... or some new believers...) In the end, I usually say, "if it's permissible, then..."

I just don't feel like it's the right thing to do because I found that praying should be a way to align yourself to God's will (or simply talking to Him), and I don't really know His will on this. (and I think these people really expect God to heal them, otherwise, they may stop believing.)

I agree sometimes even God changes His plan with prayers. Still I prefer to consider that an exception. =)

The 3 Slims said...

I agree with your point that prayer should be like conversing with a close friend. Many misunderstand prayer as like going to the temple, lighting incense and ASK. God becomes like a puppet and acts to our requests. That's why i oppose very much to the song "everytime i pray, i shake His hand".

this situation reminds me of the thousands of people that flocked to Jesus for healing and to see him work miracles. But only 12 became his disciples. I am happy for you as your faith is strong and your idea of prayer is of a deeper level than most "Christians". :D

aMy said...

A Bible teacher whom I admire a lot also hated that song. HAHA!!

Frankly, most of the time, I am still unhappy about not getting the stuff I want even when I know they may not be the best. I am not really strong. =P