Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Therapeutic Gospel

A thought provoking article. Finally something in English for those of you who read English. =) Here's an excerpt, or read the whole thing thro the link.

It’s structured to give people what they want, not to change what they want. It centers exclusively around the welfare of man and temporal happiness. It discards the glory of God in Christ. It forfeits the narrow, difficult road that brings deep human flourishing and eternal joy. This therapeutic gospel accepts and covers for human weaknesses, seeking to ameliorate the most obvious symptoms of distress. It makes people feel better. It takes human nature as a given, because human nature is too hard to change. It does not want the King of Heaven to come down. It does not attempt to change people into lovers of God, given the truth of who Jesus is, what he is like, what he does.

* I want to feel loved for who I am, to be pitied for what I’ve gone through, to feel intimately understood, to be accepted unconditionally;
* I want to experience a sense of personal significance and meaningfulness, to be successful in my career, to know my life matters, to have an impact;
* I want to gain self-esteem, to affirm that I am okay, to be able to assert my opinions and desires;
* I want to be entertained, to feel pleasure in the endless stream of performances that delight my eyes and tickle my ears;
* I want a sense of adventure, excitement, action, and passion so that I experience life as thrilling and moving.

In this new gospel, the great "evils" to be redressed do not call for any fundamental change of direction in the human heart. Instead, the problem lies in my sense of rejection from others; in my corrosive experience of life’s vanity; in my nervous sense of self-condemnation and diffidence; in the imminent threat of boredom if my music is turned off; in my fussy complaints when a long, hard road lies ahead. These are today’s significant felt needs that the gospel is bent to serve. Jesus and the church exist to make you feel loved, significant, validated, entertained, and charged up. This gospel ameliorates distressing symptoms. It makes you feel better. The logic of this therapeutic gospel is a jesus-for-Me who meets individual desires and assuages psychic aches.

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