Friday, June 01, 2007

Comparing Evangelicalism with An MAO Inhibitor?

If you have no idea what an MAO inhibitor is, that's normal.

I KNOW what an MAO inhibitor is (it's a kind of drug for treating depression), but still I don't see the connection between MAOI and Evangelicalism.

Because Francis Beckwith left the evangelical church for the Catholic church, many people speculated on the reason why so many evangelicals left. This MAO thing is also one of these speculations.

The MAO I speak of is Mystery, Awe, and Otherness. You know, the stuff modern Evangelicals jettisoned on their way to a bookshelf full of systematic theologies, dusty pages of do’s and dont’s, and three-points-and-a-conclusion sermons. In their rush to be real and down to earth, Evangelicals found a way to make God dull. In short, modern Evangelicalism has become a theological MAO inhibitor.

I can’t help but think that most of these “un-converts” who fled to Rome did so in part because of the radical vivisection Evangelicalism got away with concerning the Body of Christ. I happen to believe that God placed in each one of us a yearning for mystery, awe, and otherness...

How so? Remember when you basked in the throes of the first ache of passionate love? The object of your affection seemed like some strange creature from another planet that you’d walk across burning coals to know, even if that knowledge was little more than a favorite book he or she loved. Remember that first kiss? The electricity! That mystery, awe, and otherness found in the kiss of your beloved! (Song of Solomon explodes with mystery, awe, and otherness, doesn’t it?)

hmm... I have to say I don't agree with this. I agree sometimes we experience passionate love towards God, but hey, that "feeling" won't be there forever. Internetmonk commented on this MAO idea,

Many evangelicals live in hostility to anything other than plain churches, exegetical lectures, bare bones art and a pervasive negativity to all things outside of their church.

I agree with this partly. Maybe not all things, but certainly a lot of things that are DIFFERENT from them. I have always hated this, talking about love without really loving. Talking about grace without showing grace. Zero tolerance to anyone who dare to be different from them, I'm NOT just talking about "sinners" (Who aren't sinner? But some apparently are MORE sinful in an evangelical's mind.) I hated it when the ex-pastor of my church ridiculed Catholic priests and nuns WITHOUT even knowing what they believed in. (Yeah! You can't even begin to imagine his ignorance.) And he has NEVER given up that much for God as anyone of them.

Not to mention the thing they have reduced the Gospel into... "Believe in God, and you'll be able to go to heaven, it's a free gift, you only need to believe." (Not that it's NOT true, but I hope you understand what I mean, if not please read my previous posts)

To talk about cheap...


dle said...


Thanks for featuring my post on MAO from Cerulean Sanctum.

You say you don't agree with my conclusions, yet you agree with iMonk on his. Well, I agree with iMonk, too, so I guess you and I are not really in all that much disagreement! ;-)

Have a great weekend.

aMy said...

haha! I guess everyone agrees on something, not everything. =)