Sunday, June 03, 2007

Answers for Evangelicals??

If you've been reading my blog, you'll notice that I've been complaining about evangelicals recently... This is from the internetmonk, here, I agree partly with him, tho I don't think ONLY doing these 5 things are going to help the evangelicals, hmm... but certainly better than nothing...

1) I’m convinced that the greatest answer evangelicals have within their power is the determination to start new churches.

2) I believe every evangelical pastor and church needs to make specific plans to teach and mentor as many persons as possible in a one-on-one, spiritual direction relationship.

3) The help evangelicalism needs isn’t going to come from within its own ranks entirely. The sicknesses are too pervasive. We desperately need to be “re-evangelized” by Christians from the global south, Africa, Asia and among the poor.

4) No one will be surprised to hear me say this, but we need to find a way to simply have less music in evangelical worship.

5) Churches and associations of churches must commit to serious, college and seminary level training for laity, including all leaders and as many laypersons as possible.

I'm real tired from the short mission trip, so I'm gonna be brief, but I have to say I agree the most with point number 2 &5, and I disagree with point number 1 the most.

Teaching has been weak in evangelical churches, considering the education level of Christians and their ignorance about the Bible. Sunday churches taught by layman who's never had seminary education simply cannot satisfy me now. And spiritual direction is something that can only be taught through close relationship.

I don't think starting new dysfunctional churches are going to solve any problem, people are just going to leave soon afterwards.

(Sorry if there's any grammatical error, I'm dead tired and English is not my first language.)

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