Sunday, August 20, 2006

Walking with God

I noticed that quite a lot of people equates their spiritual life with the quality of their devotional time. For me, I can have a pretty good spiritual life without much devotional time. (Don't get me wrong, devotional time is important, I just think it is not the most important. You can have the best devotional time in the world, and then when you walk out of your closet, you walk in your own way.)

For me, a good spiritual life is walking with God every moment of my day. Not just in my devotional time. Also during work, and at rest. Whatever you are doing, Wherever you are. It's a habitual sense of God's presence.

It's like what Brother Lawrence did. He is a 17th century monk who learnt to meditate on God through his work in the monastery kitchen.

"This made me resolve to give the all for the All: so after having given myself wholly to GOD, to make all the satisfaction I could for my sins, I renounced, for the love of Him, everything that was not He; and I began to live as if there was none but He and I in the world ... I worshipped Him the oftenest that I could, keeping my mind in His holy Presence, and recalling it as often as I found it wandered from Him. I found no small pain in this exercise, and yet I continued it, notwithstanding all the difficulties that occurred, without troubling or disquieting myself when my mind had wandered involuntarily. I made this my business, as much all the day long as at the appointed times of prayer; for at all times, every hour, every minute, even in the height of my business, I drove away from my mind everything that was capable of interrupting my thought of GOD. Such has been my common practice ever since I entered into religion."

--Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

N.B. Of course, you need to be careful not to do this in a New Age or Buddhism kind of way. These meditation stuff can lead to these non-Christian beliefs.

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