Saturday, July 19, 2008

Will of Power- thoughts an from the history of spiritual theology class and mp3 I got from church library

Spiritual discipline is a neglected tradition among evangelicals. Monks learned submission to God through submission to their abbots, and forfeit their own "rights" by obeying others. In this world and age, we often stress the importance of our right. Men are poor in their endurance and often have weak will of power to do what we need to do.

People who are weak in their will of power often have the following problems:
1. tardiness
2. breaking their promises
3. failing to resist temptations
4. laziness
5. failing to obey God

Post-modernity encourages
1. Consumerism (whatever we want, we can buy)
2. Sense of Control/patience (e.g. with MTRs, we don't need to wait for buses, with mobile phone, we can find anyone at anytime, with computer & internet, we can find information within seconds)

Some of the ways we use to practice in our daily life (that I think maybe useful for me)
1. Submitting to your family (to learn to forfeit our rights)
2. Stop watching TV for one week (to learn that we can live without certain things we think we need, but the fact is we can live without them)

(Thoughts and notes from the lectures on History of Spiritual Theology and the Baptist U lecture MP3 from Dr. Milton Wan)

I am weak in will power... maybe I should start practising...

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