Monday, July 07, 2008

New books

My "trophies" from Tien Dao today!! With theotokos' Tien Dao card, so I got 20% off all the books, hahahaha!!


Initially I just intended to go and buy 二千年靈修神學 which is the textbook for the spiritual theology course I just started attending. And perhaps Surprised by Hope because I saw from Tien Dao website it was supposed to be available in the TST Tien Dao. (however, it was not... =P)

However, I found two newly published translated works of NT Wright!! Just when I was wondering how to get Chinese material for the fellowship meeting I suggested (to learn more about stuff written by NT Wright), I found these two books!!! YEAH!! No need for me to do the translation on my own and a lot cheaper than the original English version. Though I hate reading translated books, I have to get the translated versions, it's difficult to get people to start reading NT Wright stuff with the language barrier, even though most people I know can read English, reading theological stuff in English is fairly difficult for most.

The good thing is that it is a lot easier to get people to read them now!

Surprised by Hope will be transferred to TST shop for me later, so I'll buy it later.

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