Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Gospel of Mark (Lesson 1)

Basically, my emphasis on the Gospel of Mark is on three aspects. (Just part of my lesson plan/summary, so a bit brief.)

1. Gospel- What does it really mean according to what Jesus did?

2. Mark- understanding Christology: through the people, religious leaders, disciples, Gentiles, demons' understanding of who Jesus is

3. How to read the Gospel? By literary analysis. We need to read the whole book in continuity. Not for historical accuracy or simply combine materials from different synoptic Gospels. Sometimes the materials are selected for certain purposes.

Mark 2:1-3:6 is one section

We can see
A> CONTRAST: Religious leaders’ hostility to Jesus (Ch2-3) vs People’s ready acceptance to Jesus (Ch1: even when Jesus touched the leper: also against the law, but people accepted him.)

B> Escalating Conflicts

C> Chiastic Structure
A Forgiveness & Healing (2: 1-12)
B The Calling of Levi & Eating with Sinners (2:13-17)
C Discussion on Fasting (2:18-22)
B’ Discussion on Sabbath: grain picking (2:23-38)
A’ Discussion on Sabbath: Healing (3:1-6)

From this structure we can see the central message of this section of Mark
C Fasting * CENTRAL!! New vs old
A’ Healing SABBATH

Good book recommendation for the study of the Gospel of Mark

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