Wednesday, December 03, 2008

He Loved Me

This hymn is probably listed among the top of my faves, maybe number one. It is based on based on Romans 8:35-39.

He Loved Me - Tom Fettke

He chose me --- be-fore the world was known.
He chose me --- to be His very own.
He made me, then let me choose my way.
I chose to move a-way.
He loved me --- when hope had tak-en wing.
He loved me --- when I lost ev-'ry-thing.
He bought me, redemp-tion's work was done
though Jesus Christ, His Son. 

Who-- shall sep-a-rate me from the love of God?
Shall dreams of to-mor-row,
pain, or sor-row,
Can the need of food or earth-ly pos-sess-ions,
the threat of war or man's op-pres-sion?
In all these things
vic-t'ry is our reward.
Vic-t'ry is our reward though Jesus Christ, our Lord.

#Of this I am sure,
that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor prin-ci-pal-i-ties,
nor pow-ers, nor things pres-ent,
nor things to come---

Not height, nor depth,
nor any crea-ture
Shall sep-a-rate me from the love of God.#
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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