Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have a really bad temper. It's been my new year/summer camp resolution every year in the past to change that, now it disappeared, coz I stopped trying... That "wait from a count from 1 to 10 thing" doesn't work for me at all.

In the class of Growth and Personal Relationship that I'm taking now, I have to read two books. And there were some very insightful reminders from one of them. (I still haven't started the other one yet.)

"If you find that you can control your temper at work, but not with people whom you are close to, that doesn't mean your family is more easily bullied, that means YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR TEMPER."

And another good suggestion is that next time when you're angry, ask yourself why you are angry. I have tried this for a few days and found that it works sometimes, and sometimes the answer on why I'm angry is actually because the other person is right...

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