Thursday, November 23, 2006

Spring coming

Cold war is ending... at least I hope...

I noticed that there're quite a lot of great co-workers with me in the fellowship. Even when they are not so great and during our misunderstandings, God use us.

It's really miraculous when you think about how God use EVEN the misunderstandings.


Unknown said...

Made some self reflcetions after reading your spiritual journal. Yes, the life of Christians is never easy. It is somehow painful when God let you realise your evil inner side and then ask you to change and become as holy as Him. I do agree Sanification is what mordern Christians will easily forget about and just focus on His peace and grace. But I do believe His grace worths our effort to live out His words and be His light and salt to the world. It is not easy, but let's work hard together = ) Bao

aMy said...

yep. Let's work hard together!!

aMy said...

And learning is VERY painful... not that I don't understand about it, but it's difficult when you're going thru these...