Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Suffering and Heaven

Found these thro littleho's blog

Dr Milton Wan 溫偉耀博士 has often mentioned his daughter who had mental retardation. in his sermons. She just passed away recently.
Dr. Milton Wan's sharing on his daughter

He said she is one of the three most important theologians for him. Read the article to know more on how God can use "suffering". What is the purpose of life when one is just born to suffer?

And then on NT Wright, another theologian whose view has changed my understanding on my own religion.

His article about his new book

An interview with ABC

Another interview on the Time magazine

Sunday, March 02, 2008



---from 楊牧谷 《從哀傷到歡呼 詩篇與人生》

We have often ignored the importance of sufferings in our faith. Maybe we should stop praying for God to remove/solve whatever problems we're facing, and face them head on.

This is the only way to get to the bottom of our true faith, so that Christianity stops merely being our religion.

I heard something profound in a sermon about Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane today. Prayer in the end is something you do alone. In that time of His sufferings, in spite of the presence of the disciples, Jesus was in that alone.